Webinar “Tes Antigen Untuk Deteksi COVID-19 Berbasis Point-of-Care Testing”
Tuesday, 29 December 2020 00:48
PT. Zoe Pelita Nusantara proudly presented first official webinar, in collaboration with Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Klinik dan Kedokteran Indonesia (PDS PATKLIN), titled “Tes Antigen Untuk Deteksi COVID-19 Berbasis Point-of-Care Testing”. On this event, there were 2 speakers : Prof. Dr. Marzuki Suryaatmadja, SpPK(K) and Prof. DR. Dr. Aryati, MS, SpPK(K) with moderator Dr. Basti Andriyoko, SpPK(K).
PT. Zoe Pelita Nusantara give highest appreciation for speakers, moderator, participants, and the event committee for their active participations and support on this event.
Let’s fight COVID-19 together with PT. Zoe Pelita Nusantara.